Website designed and developed by: Biljana Michel
Pictures: Biljana Michel

Legal notice

This document contains the general terms and conditions for the use of the website located at “” (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”). By accessing or using this Site, you are required to accept these general terms and conditions and we reserve the right to refuse access to all or part of the Site to any user who does not respect them. You promise not to submit or upload any text or images which might infringe the law or be likely to shock people, in particular any content of a hateful or pornographic nature or any other content which might incite anyone towards any such behaviour. Biljana Michel reserves the right to take any action that she might consider necessary to protect her Site from being used for these purposes. We also remind you that this Site is governed by French law, under French legal jurisdiction and its official language is French.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Site as a whole and also each composite part of it (its branding, graphics, photographs…)
are governed by both French and international legislation and, in particular, that which relates to copyrights, data protection and intellectual property rights. All of the other brands cited remain the sole intellectual property of their respective owners. All reproduction, representation, publication, transmission, or more generally, all unauthorized use of the Site and/or its constituent parts is forbidden and can expose you to legal actions.


This Site may contain links to other sites that do not belong to us. We do not, under any circumstances, accept any responsibility or liability for the content of these external websites. We will not accept responsibility for any errors, emissions or results that could be obtained through improper usage of this information. We reserve the right to modify any such errors, as soon as they might be brought to our attention, and, more generally, to modify, at any time, without warning, all or part of this Site, as well as its terms and conditions, without us becoming liable to any form of litigation as a result. The downloading of any materials while using this Site will be at your own risk. You will be solely responsible for any damage caused to your computer and any loss of data resulting from any such download.

Availability of the Site

It is technically impossible to provide a Site completely free of errors and such errors can lead to temporary unavailability of the Site; the functioning of the Site could also be affected by conditions beyond our control, such as the connections between you and us and between us and other networks; we and/or our suppliers could, at any moment, modify or interrupt, either temporarily or permanently either all or part of this Site in order to carry out routine maintenance and/or to make improvements or modifications to the Site. In any such situation, we will make every effort to inform you, if possible, of every modification/interruption of services taking place on the Site. We, however, still reserve our right to not take any responsibility for any modification, suspension or interruption of the Site.